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Maciej Radziejewski

Born in Poznań, 1974


2002  Ph. D. in Mathematics
Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
1997 M. Sc. in Mathematics
Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
1992 Completed secondary education.

Research interests


I work on problems related to quantitative factorization theory, oscillations of arithmetical functions, and properties of L-functions in the Selberg class.

Applications of Mathematics in Hydrology

I have published several joined papers focussing on the properties of long hydrological time series with large natural variability, fractal properties of extreme event occurrences and change detection using phase randomisation in processes with high, long-term autocorrelation.

Published papers and other research work

Popularization of mathematics

[1] Radziejewski, M., 1994, Czy rozmaitości nieorientowalne muszą mieć dziury, Delta (11/1994) [in Polish].
[2] Radziejewski, M., 1996, O rozwiązaniach zadań olimpijskich, Matematyka (5/1996) [in Polish].
[3] Radziejewski, M., The music of the river Warta , available on-line since 15.12.1998


I gratefully acknowledge the awards and support I have received during my education and carrier: (Back to the main page)