The source code file may not be copied or otherwise distributed unless in its entirety and only as long as all the information contained therein remains readable and unaltered. The program 'music.exe' accompanying the source code 'music.pas' or any program compiled out of that source code may only be distributed together with the source code.
You may compile the program out of this source code at your own risk and use it at your own risk. You must not modify the program in any way.
The author will not be held responsible for any damage or losses or for any implications whatsoever resulting from downloading, copying, compiling, using or otherwise handling this source code or the program compiled out of this source code.
The author does not give any guarantee whatsoever related to this source code or the program compiled out of this source code, not even a guarantee of fitness for a particular purpose and not even a guarantee of safety of usage.
The data files presented here have been preprocessed and aggregated and the original measured values or even aggregated values cannot be recovered from them. In order to acquire and use actual data files please contact their respective owners.